There’s so much to look
forward to!
What’s next?
We’ll be staying in touch in between now and your appointment, so keep an eye out for emails from us. Here’s what you can expect:
A confirmation email— you should already have this in your inbox! It contains your appointment details. We tell you how to navigate the day of and remind you of our cancellation/rescheduling policy. It also provides you with a link to our prep page which contains some vital info on how to rock your shoot.
Hint: you can start preparing now!
2 reminder emails— these will hit your inbox 72 and 24 hours before your appointment to highlight the same information as above and also hooks you up with your photographer’s contact information. We like our clients to feel prepared (and they like it too).
ATTENTION: IF YOU DON’T RECEIVE YOUR CONFIRMATION EMAIL IN THE NEXT FEW MINUTES, PLEASE EMAIL US @ Don’t worry you’re booked, but you won’t get your confirmation emails so you won’t know how to prep and may miss your appointment. Likely there was a typo. Note: our contact email is always on our website - in the footer.