Congrats on booking Denver, Boulder, San Diego, Charlotte, Seattle, Greenville/Spartanburg, Atlanta & Philadelphia's best corporate headshots!
By deciding to hire Happy Hour Headshot, you've officially completed the hardest part of getting amazing images. While we do all the hard work from here, there are some details that can help you prepare for your stardom.
Ask your company which package they purchased so you know how long you have with the photographer and what to expect in terms of both shooting time and number of final images.
Some insider secrets to help you get ready (a 15-30 minute read):
5 days before: Take a discerning look: are your teeth in need of some sparkle? Do-it-yourself teeth whitening makes a world of difference in your photos (and your everyday)! Consider using Crest White Strips for 4-5 days prior to your pictures. These strips are quick, easy, long-lasting, and painless (even on sensitive teeth). Our clients are constantly thanking us for this little suggestion.
1-2 days before: Watch this 15 minute video and learn how to "accentuate your jawline." (Your photographer will also coach you in this.) And if you're super inspired, spend 15 more minutes learning how to "squinch!" Acclaimed photographer Peter Hurley teaches you the two of the best secrets to looking amazing in your photos. It may feel kind of odd, but seriously practice up: you'll never take an ugly mugshot again!
Limit alcohol and sugar the night before your shoot to avoid puffiness. Don't eat after 7 pm and drink loads of water for several days leading up to your shoot. Think camel thoughts. (Pro tip: if you notice frequent inflammation in your face, a fast can help. Some of us at HHH swear by the Lemonade Cleanse. You can do this the night before, the day before, or longer. The recipe is simple: lemons, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. Amazingly, it eliminates inflammation — and hunger!)
What to wear, hair, makeup, etc.:
No need to be fancy. Let your smile be the focal point. Stylish but classy clothes are ideal, especially tops. Limit jewelry and no long necklaces (they can get cut off in the image). Simple layers or basic textures —like a blazer, sweater or scarf— and patterns are all good. Grays are great and pastels and bright colors work too. Logos like “polo” on clothes are not. Unless the logo relates to your line of work, best to not have the visual distraction. Also even if you plan for only a "head" shot, we shoot sometimes at waist-length, so make sure you have something nice on the bottom even if it's just jeans. Please consult your company to see if they have a dress code in mind. HHH is not responsible for staff clothing choices.
Makeup. Ladies we recommend, but not too heavy. Men, we don't recommend.
Hair. Ladies, a blowout is never a bad idea. Guys, easy on the hair gel.
Teeth. Please brush (and floss!) your teeth prior to your shoot, and don’t eat afterwards. If you’re not coming from home, bring a toothbrush with you so you can brush before your shoot!
Glasses. We love them. Just be sure they aren't “transition lenses,” the kind that turn dark in the sun. Also, you’ll want anti-reflective lenses (these are common).
Step 1: Your company point person will be directing you to our photographer. Please be ready during the period of time allotted to you so that when it's your turn you can walk right out. Shoots take from 2-10 minutes depending on which package your company purchased and how the photographer organizes the shoot.
Step 2: Whether you consider yourself photogenic or not, our No. 1 goal is to make you look great. So, think like an actor with your photographer as your director. Our job is to coach you into poses that will look natural and amazing, and while some techniques may sound a bit strange go with them and trust your photographer! We are really great at what we do. If you haven't seen our before & afters, check them out.
Please understand that we shoot in natural conditions outdoors - this means moisture, wind, heat, cold, sunshine, clouds - and this means that your headshot will be “non-static” and your hair may blow around a bit or be affected by weather. We like this and hope you will too!
Editing and delivery:
Your photographer - see more about us - will select your best image(s) for final delivery unless your company opted for the review/selection Add On, which is included in The Executive. In that case you (or a company point person if you don’t want to) will select the final image(s) along side your photographer. Editing takes a couple weeks and includes cropping, straightening, color tones, exposure, and sharpening. Our images will not be changed in integrity, i.e. they will not be airbrushed or excessively “photoshopped.” Our desire is to deliver your Best Self using amazing natural light techniques. See examples and details about our editing. All packages include unrestricted use of your headshot images by both the company and the individual, and images can be downloaded to an unlimited number of devices.
See you soon!
P.S. We are on Facebook @happyhourheadshot and Instagram @happyhour.headshot.
Real people. Extraordinary headshots.
Denver & Boulder | San Diego | Philadelphia | Seattle & Tacoma | Atlanta | Charlotte | Greenville & Spartanburg